
How C. Caramanico & Sons prepared for 2023

By Christina Herrick Thanks to a rebound in demand for services with its commercial customers, C. Caramanico & Sons in Upland, Pa., netted a 52-percent increase in revenue from 2020 to 2021. But that increase wasn’t without its challenges as the company grew by only 5 percent in 2022. John Caramanico Jr., president, says many…
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Caramanico Christmas 2022

Every year, Caramanico celebrates the holiday season with a party with food, lots of prizes, and anniversaries. 5 Years: Pierre Martinez; Maria Mosqueda; Maribel Toribio; Humberto Mercado; Ma Elizabeth Galvan; Maria Vargas; Orlando Najera; Pedro Limon; Alberto Fernandez; Melvin Garcia; Pablo Cielo; Armando Ayala 10 Years: Rafael Nolasco; Allen Ortiz; Chris DiRenzo 15 Years: Margie…
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Snow & Ice Management Training

C. Caramanico & Sons, Inc. held our snow & ice management training last week. There is always more to learn and ways that you can continue to grow. Learn more about our safety programs. Learn more about our snow & ice program.
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Thankful for all of our hardworking and dedicated team. Every year, C. Caramanico & Sons, Inc. gives each employee a frozen turkey for Thanksgiving. Any leftover turkeys are donated locally.
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Health & Safety Day

There is always more to learn and ways that you can continue to grow.
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The Caramanico Way describes the values, behaviors, principles, and practices that are the foundation of our unique culture. It explains how we relate to each other, our clients, and even our suppliers. It’s who we are, and it’s what drives our extraordinary success.