Educational Articles

Fertilize Lawn

Winterizing Your Lawn & Plants in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, we can have some bitter winters. Freezing temperatures and heavy snowfall can hit your lawn hard, damaging your turf and affecting its return come spring. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can prepare your grass for winter (AKA winterize it), helping to promote a speedy recovery next season. Here are a…
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Raking Leaves

6 Tips to Maintaining a Healthy Lawn this Fall

We all want a bright green, lush turf— it just seems impossible to maintain! The summer sun dries out your grass, weeds take over and then before you know it, fall’s here. Fortunately, autumn is the perfect time of the year to give your property a well-needed refresh— especially in Pennsylvania. Check out these six…
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Raving Reviews Caramanico Landscape

8 Beautiful, Cold-Resistant Plants for Winters in Pennsylvania

Do you live in Pennsylvania and are looking for cold-resistant plants for your flower beds during the winter? In this article, we share eight beautiful cold-resistant plants you can choose from. Once winter hits in Pennsylvania, your landscape can get pretty dreary. Even during periods of no snow, frost-bitten nights can wreak havoc on your…
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Snow Removal

The 5 Major Costs of Not Removing Snow at Your Commercial Business

Winters in Pennsylvania often welcome a fair amount of snow, with averages in major cities like Philadelphia nearly 22.5 inches a year. January and February get hit the worse, but commercial businesses need to be ready for storms all season long. With snowfall comes headaches for business owners who are responsible for clearing the mounds to keep…
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Let your turf breathe!

One of the best practices you can do for your turf is to have it aerated and overseeded on a regular basis. Aeration should be a regular part of your annual landscape maintenance program to reduce soil compaction and thatch in check. Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes and removing plugs of soil and…
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